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  • Writer's pictureCaryn

Burn-out and Entrepreneurship

At the beginning of the year I was struggling with terrible burnout, and if you've ever suffered with burnout, you'll know the feeling: extreme exhaustion, anxiety, irritability, lack of motivation. I was struggling to keep going, and basic tasks seemed impossible to complete. I couldn't focus and my creativity dwindled, and it showed

I visited my Dr. and she advised me to take a couple of months off from work, but as a solopreneur, I knew that wouldn't be possible. Doing so would mean scaling back on my business, and decreasing my income, and that was not an option for me. So I kept going, even though I was running on empty.


It felt like everyone I interacted with could feel my exhaustion and sense my low energy and my engagement on my content and sales reflected the same.

.. and then I hit rock bottom, to the point where I almost gave up on my business completely.

I no longer had a choice, but to slow down.. and what that looked like for me was doing the bare minimum in my business, just enough to keep it afloat: taking on less clients, hitting pause on my group coaching programs, saying “No” to certain opportunities, spending less time on social media, automating my business processes and incorporating boundaries.

I slowed down. I rested. I focused on selfcare, and I don't mean having my hair done and painting my nails. I mean really focusing on my mental and physical wellbeing; staying home and sleeping, eating better, moving my body, drinking water, taking a digital detox.. and so much more

After a good few months of doing just this, I was ready to try to dive into my business wholeheartedly again.. but I knew that I couldn't fall back into my old habits.

This time, I focused on asking for help, partnering, and collaborating with likeminded women, this lessened the pressure and workload.

I had to unlearn the “corporate mentality” of having to continue working and persevering no matter what (something I still struggle with) it's funny how those 'corporate habits' become so ingrained.

I allowed myself to slow down and to no longer operate like a machine. I had to truly believe that my productivity does not influence my worth. I incorporated acts of selfcare into my daily routine (even if it meant just drinking enough water and taking a short walk)

I focused on 'soft selling'.. I just can't seem to do the whole 'intense marketing, and pushy sales' thing, it drains me and doesn't feel in alignment with me. I focused more on doing things that energized me and brought me joy, I focused on planning and visualizing my goals, and then taking aligned action towards them instead of 'just being busy'.

I focused on spending time offline, I focused on building community and true relationships over 'typical marketing tactics', and let me tell you, the sales and my business reflected this new found joy and way of working.


I noticed that people were responding better to my social media posts, and they were opening up more when we connected on calls or emails—and most importantly, they started buying more of what I offered!

Things started shifting in my favor—and it all happened because: I learned how to nurture myself

My point is..

  • If you're not right within, the outside will reflect the same.

  • Your health comes first, and yes, that includes your mental health

  • Do not ignore your body's warning signs (or like me, you'll be forced to listen)

  • Work to live and not the other way around

  • You don't have to do it alone, asking for help is a sign of strength not weakness

  • If it's meant for you it will never pass you by, not a business, job, opportunity or relationship

  • Nothing is worth more than your health

  • Selfcare is necessary and burnout is real

  • It's difficult to make good, clear decisions through the lenses of burnout.

  • Rest is just as important (if not more important) than the work you do

  • Rest is not something that needs to be earned. Don't wait for the holidays in order to rest and take care of yourself

  • Your productivity doesn't equal your worth

  • I hope you found this email insightful and helpful, You're more than welcome to hit reply and let me know if it resonated, and what was your take away ..

What can you do in order to nurture yourself? Let me know in the comments section

I love hearing from you

Sending positive vibes,


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